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JBI Fork Cartridge Rebuild



JBI Fork Cartridge Rebuild


Product Description

JBI Fork Cartridge Rebuild

  • Leaking fork cartridges are a common problem with current twin chamber forks (KYB, Showa, and WP)
  • JBI is able to repair all leaky and non-functioning fork cartridges
    • Typical turn around time is 2-3 days
  • Common parts needed per rebuild
    • Cartridge rod seal
    • Free piston seal (Inner and/or outer)
    • Cartridge rod bushing

JBI Fork Cartridge Rebuild Labor $105 per cartridge
Cartridge repair parts $25-60

Why do twin chamber inner fork cartridges leak?
Any design that features a seal that is constantly sliding is eventually going to wear out and need replacement.  In motorcycle forks, the addition of oil contaminants and debris speed up the wear process of these seals.  A twin chamber fork features a pressurized inner cartridge, which resembles the rear shock damper, but the design layout is slightly different for the forks.  This pressurized damper features critical seals that allow the fork cartridge assembly to build pressure and function correctly.  When one or more seals fail, the damper performs very poorly resulting in poor suspension performance.


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